Tutorial HTML (3)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Balik lagi nih ke tutorial HTML, jadi pada kali ini kita akan melanjutkan pembelajaran dari tutorial yang sebelumnya, bagi teman-teman yang baru gabung bisa lihat di link ini.
List tidak berurut dimulai dengan tag <ul>. Setiap item list dimulai dengan tag <li>. Item list akan ditandai dengan peluru (lingkaran hitam kecil) secara default.
<dd>- kopi moccacino</dd>
<dd>- susu coklat dingin</dd>
<dd>- es teh manis</dd>
- Tag <img> membuat ruang penahanan untuk gambar yang direferensikan.
- Tag <img> kosong, hanya berisi atribut, dan tidak memiliki tag penutup.
- Tag <img> memiliki dua atribut yang diperlukan:
- src - Menentukan link ke gambar
- alt - Teks alternatif jika gambar tidak muncul untuk menerangkan gambar
Jangan Bingung, Segera Praktekkan!
Mudah-mudahan dengan memahami apa itu HTML rasa bingung kamu tentang membuat halaman web bisa sedikit berkurang ya!
HTML Lists - W3Schools w3schools › html › html_lists HTML Lists · Unordered HTML List An unordered list starts with the ul tag. Each list item starts with the li tag. · Ordered HTML List An ordered list starts with ... HTML Ordered Lists - W3Schools w3schools › html › html_lists_ordered The HTML ol tag defines an ordered list. An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical. Ordered HTML List. An ordered list starts with the ol tag. Each list ... CSS Styling Lists - W3Schools w3schools › css › css_list In HTML, there are two main types of lists: unordered lists (ul) - the list items are marked with bullets. ordered lists (ol) - the list items are marked with numbers or letters. HTML ul tag - W3Schools w3schools › tags › tag_ul Definition and Usage. The ul tag defines an unordered (bulleted) list. Use the ul tag together with the li tag to create unordered lists. Tip: Use CSS to style ... HTML - Lists - Tutorialspoint tutorialspoint › html › html_lists HTML - Lists · ul − An unordered list. This will list items using plain bullets. · ol − An ordered list. This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items ... Belajar HTML #09: Cara Membuat List di HTML - Petani Kode petanikode › html-list Lalu di dalamnya diisi dengan item-item yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam list. Item dibuat dengan tag li (list item). Ordered list. Contoh: !DOCTYPE html html ... ul: The Unordered List element - HTML: HyperText Markup ... developer.mozilla.org › ... › HTML elements reference Dec 23, 2020 — The ul element is for grouping a collection of items that do not have a numerical ordering, and their order in the list is meaningless. Typically, ... Tag omission: None, both the starting and endi... Content categories: and if the el... Permitted parents: Any element that accepts fl... Permitted content: Zero or more element is used ... ol: The Ordered List element - HTML: HyperText Markup ... developer › ... › HTML elements reference Dec 18, 2020 — The HTML element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list. HTML Ordered, Unordered, and Definition Lists - Tutorial ... tutorialrepublic › html-tutorial › html-lists Working with HTML Lists. HTML lists are used to present list of information in well formed and semantic way. There are three different types of list in HTML and ...
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